Rails Hackathon SubmissionThank you to everyone joining and organizing this year's hackathon.

Vote for Us!

Thank you

This year's hackathon brought a group of three strangers together and this wouldn't have happened otherwise without this community.

Teams joined
New Friends
Interesting Things
Number of amazing mascots
1 tiny dinosaur

Our Goals

We love ThoughtWorks radar. We wanted one for the Rails community and we wanted to one for our Rails team. Click Teams to start your own private Radar.

Organize complexity .
Our application should take on the wild variety of options a team could consider.
Reduce confusion.
Our radar conceptualization will hopefully simplify the different levels of consideration for a new 'interesting thing'.
Support creators.
This product isn't just about sorting out what you don't want, but being open to things you wouldn't have considered otherwise, especially new gems from new creators.
Always learning.
Discover new things that you wouldn't have come across!

Our hackathon team

From surviving flooded banks to being Mr. Github, our team was filled with wonderfull interesting people.

  • @helpotters

    Paul Lemus

    Corona, CA

  • @maks112v

    Maksim Vakarchuk

    Harrisonburg, VA

  • @jrhicks

    Jeffery Hicks

    Littlerock, AR

  • Hackasaur

    Our Mascot

    Land, Before Time